Club News

It's a double

 13-Jul-2024  Website Editor

Saturday saw the annual Fours Plate competition which was a very enjoyable afternoon of competitive bowling.

Congratulations to Keith Gissing, Tyler Adams, Alan Jones and Angelique Bande for their three wins and commiserations to Bev Sharp, Ken Miller, John Carter and Ron Jones who were pipped at the post by one point.

A special mention to Keith and Tyler who now appear twice on the honours board for this competition. Tyler joined in 2022 and won the trophy in his first year so will be looking for the treble in 2025.




Bowls Bash

 03-Jul-2024  Website Editor

The annual Bowls Bash between two roll up groups from Berkhamsted Golf Club this year with the winners taking on Ashridge Golf Club in August for a new trophy.

The event was a huge success with two sides of 12 splitting into three teams and then laying each side for 4 ends.

The winning team was Clique in Waiting who are to play Ashridge in August. This being the 3rd time the event has been held they also now have a slight lead of 2:1 in the series.

The  feedback to the club from the bowlers was extremely positive:

"Great evening as ever and thanks to the lovely people at the club who looked after us so well"
"An excellent evening out at Potten End Bowls Club. Can I first thank a A+B+C+D and the other members of PEBC for organising and supporting such a great event".

The club itself had as ever amazing support from its members in particular Carol, Christine and Barry for the food, Janice for the bar, Dougie, Bob, Steve R, Coral, Keith G, JC 'Fez Boy' and JC junior for all their green and scoring support.

The event also raised £250 for charity.

Sponsors Evening

 12-Jun-2024  Website Editor

This years event was again very popular, with sponsors bringing both staff and friends to a light hearted introduction and game of bowls.

After some initial coaching and arrival of all the players they were split into teams and we were also able to run a spider and mixed team competition.

The evening was slightly marred by the lack of sun and a bit of a chill however armed with their new found skills the bowling continued unabated.

The evening ended in the clubhouse with a few nibbles and drinks and of course presentations and signs of our appreciation. Each sponsor received a framed photo of the club members surrounding their green side advert. Our sponsors have subsequently sent back their own photos of the frames hanging in their offices or workplaces. 

If you would like a sponsor package please contact






Big Bowls Weekend

 25-May-2024  Website Editor

The weekend was quiet compared to recent years due to the main road outside the club being closed for all of May.

That said the club was able to recruit some excellent new talent and also play matches across the weekend.

A break in the awful weather enabled us to take a 2024 club photograph which now hangs above the bar.

The photo includes members both playing and social with our social members Sylvia, Pat and Cyril bringing splashes of colour.

Inheritance Tax - Myth busting

 21-May-2024  Website Editor

Tuesday 21st May 2024, saw Aaron Mears from our sponsors Willow Financial come and talk on the truths and myths surrounding Inheritance Tax.

Aaron was kind enough to spend 90 minutes discussing and answering questions on the subject as well as giving his depth of knowledge on what to do and certainly his thoughts on what to be cautious with.

A very productive morning and hopefully more sessions to follow.



 27-Apr-2024  Website Editor

The season started with a wonderful Friday afternoon playing Amersham, with 5 rinks of mixed triples.

Captains Lesley and Chris got off to a fabulous start recording a 95-70 victory and more importantly a bowls green full of very happy members from both clubs enjoying a break in the weather and a start to the season.

It was great to see so many people staying behind and having both a laugh and drink afterwards. 




Cherry everywhere

 21-Apr-2024  Website Editor

The winter break has seen a great deal of work and change around the club whether, trimming shrubs, lighting, lockers, painting, photos, bar till to name but a few and thanks to one and all who have worked so hard.

It is however the little touches that make the whole seem better. A massive thankyou to Lesley for her work re covering the seats in the new fabric and to Steve R for refurbishing the boxes at the end of each rink and repainting them to match. Fabulous attention to detail and many thanks from us all.

We all look forward to some sunny days watching the games unfold across the season.


Open for Business

 20-Apr-2024  Website Editor

Saturday saw the bowls green open for the 2024 season and a chance for members to get back into the swing!

Congratulations to the Green Team who have worked through biblical weather to prepare the surface and make it available. The hope was for a beautiful Spring weekend, so there was no surprise when it was grey and overcast. This however did not deter members who practiced across the weekend to get their form and swing back for forthcoming matches and competitions.

Like the Royal Family PEBC does not allow its images to be photoshopped. It however takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the above picture for a trial end between Pete and Doug. We are sure the woods were a little further away from the Jack when the pose started.

Have a wonderful season everyone.

Spring Lunch

 17-Apr-2024  Website Editor

Congratulations to our 2024 ladies captain for launching her season with a wonderful Spring Luncheon.

A total of 22 ladies joined Lesley for a sumptuous luncheon held at the club.

Well done to Steve, John and Richard for their service skills and of course Annie and Lesley for their catering.

A great start to 2024 and the Ladies look forward to their forthcomiong matches and support from the membership.


What a winner!!

 16-Mar-2024  Website Editor

Whilst many travelled along the M4 for the Cheltenham Festival, the wiser locals went for a wonderful night of racing at Potten End Bowls Club.

The Race Night being the brainchild of Steve and Lynne Weston,  who departed from the normal videos and Tote, to a more inclusive dice and attendee jockey version. This was their first event and we look forward to many more.

Great fun was had by all, many thanks to Linda, Paula and Jenny for the food and bar and of course everyone loved the shorter journey home.


Always good for a chat!

 06-Mar-2024  Website Editor

Today saw the last of the Coffee mornings arranged monthly during the closed season.

A big thank you to Sheila, Alan, Karen, Steve, Lesley, Coral, Linda, Paula, Doreen and Jenny for making these events happen from October until today.

The coffee mornings have been very well attended and we all look forward to being back on the green shortly for the start of the new season.



How crafty are we

 28-Feb-2024  Website Editor

The closed season has yet again seen a number of craft days making cards, christmas gifts and decorations.

Many thanks to Lesley and Carol for their leadership and ideas.

I know from those attending they have had some very enjoyable meetings and certainly come away with some wonderful ideas and of course cards and gifts for others at the fraction of the price!!

We look forward to whats in store for 2024/25


Working hard

 27-Feb-2024  Website Editor

Preparing the green at Potten End is a team event run by Steve Wilson and being an almost 365 24/7 process is a task in itself.

That team is then supported by the maintenance team, again all volunteer club members who ensure that all the surrounds to the green, hedges, clubhouse and outbuildings are maintained and ready for the forthcoming season.

This team is run jointly by Bill and Steve R who this winter have not only installed a new edging and surround for the green but also rebuilt a shed, cut and pruned all the hedges, made a start on the driveway and the removal of approximately two additional feet of undergrowth. This last task is imperative to allow emergency services to our building.

This is a real club effort and many thanks go out to all those who have painted, cleaned, scrubbed, cut, sawn, chipped, carried and generally tidied up all the debris.

This effort will continue on until we open in April when our grounds as ever will look magnificent for all those who visit to both play and watch in this wonderful setting.


Well done Potten End

 24-Feb-2024  Website Editor

On Saturday 14 members booked to attend the England Bowls awards and hopefully secure the ‘Club of the Year’ category. There were over 250 nominations in total and PEBC were in the final five.

Bowls England said of our entry:
Potten End Bowls Club’s growth is shown in their new operations system, a successful membership drive and an innovative mentorship for new joiners. Rebranding, sponsorship, and a community drive showcases the club’s dynamic forward thinking approach.

A full write up can be found at:

A fun evening was had by all, and a special mention and congratulations go to Ilfracombe Bowls Club who were worthy winners of the category. Like all great evenings you get to chat with other clubs and members, winners, and nominees. A quick chat with the winners revealed very close ties to Potten End in the form of an internal annual trophy played in the name of a former Potten End Bowler Ray Grimsdale. Ilfracombe are now keen to set up a friendly match at Potten End and we look forward to hosting them in due course.

A massive thank you to all the members of PEBC, without whom this nomination would not have happened, now onwards and upwards as we continue to grow and develop.